
“A Modern Pentecost in South China” was written by William Nesbitt Brewster, a missionary to the Chinese from 1890 to 1917.  He was sent by the Methodist Episcopal Mission to Hinghwa (Putien), Fujien Province.  From March to May 1909, the churches in Hinghwa region experienced a genuine outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  It was marked by fervent, spontaneous and impromptus prayer, seeking of the Lord, repentance, confession of sins in public and reformation of lives.  Indeed, the judgment of the Lord starts at His own house.  The light of the Lord was so revealed to the Church in Hinghwa that pastors, teachers, missionaries and every Christian was brought to the foot of the Cross and into His light.  Brewster faithfully recorded what no one had planned but the Holy Spirit.  What had happened in Hinghwa in the spring of 1909 was not and could not have been the work of men, but the work of God.  The lives that was changes, the soul that was saved, and the countless fruits in the future generation all testifies to the wonder and glory of God.
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蒲魯士宣教士於一九零九年﹝清宣統元年﹞著作「華南的現代五旬節」一書。本書 忠實的記述了同年三月至五月間在福建興化府(莆田)所發生的復興。一九零四年 威爾斯大復興點燃了二十世紀復興的火,大火延燒至印度、朝鮮、東北和華北,而 這火終於在一九零九年燒到了華南。興化府及附近的教會經歷了一場真實從聖靈而 來的復興,信徒自動自發的開始禱告尋求主,聖靈光照臨到,教會裡不分平信徒、 神職人員,都在 神面前哭泣認罪悔改。弟兄姊妹在聖靈的催促下公開認罪、彼此 認錯並且補償過失,在基督裡和好。的確一場真實的復興在興化開始了,這沒有人 的安排,不是人在主導,乃是聖靈親自帶下悔改及生命中真實、實際的改革。這場 復興使成千上萬的基督徒甦醒,預備教會,為將來福音的廣傳奠定了基礎,這一切 都將榮耀頌讚單單歸給 神﹗

本書作者蒲魯士是美國美以美差會所差派至華的宣教士,他於一八九零年(清光緒 十六年)抵達興化府,在當地服事了二十七年,於一九一七年(民國六年)離華返 美。

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